Fancy AA Medallions Glitter Colors Crystals Oh My!

Posted by John Gall on

What are Fancy AA Medallions?  That's a term given to high end AA Chips that have Glitter or Crystals or Both!  Really any coin that has some bling bling on it could be considered a "Fancy AA Medallion" but when a customer asks me for that I just ask glitter or crystals?  Or... Both????  Here's an example of some glitter and crystalized sobriety chips made by Recovery Mint and Recoverychip

Crystal AA MedallionPink Glitter AA MedallionRose Crystal AA Medallion

What's NOT a Fancy AA Medallion?  Well I would say any solid color sobriety chip that lacks an attribute that elevates the coin.  So for example a solid color gold or silver plated or even a metallic color tri-plate with a glassy epoxy dome would still not (to me ) be considered a fancy chip.  It just lacks the bling bling that glitter or crystal adds to a chip.  It's really not that important I just use the term when helping customers find the perfect AA Chip to give.

If you want to see a wide selection of bling bling and fancy AA Chips check out our collection of glitter and crystal coins.


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